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Monday, July 6, 2009

The Geneva Treasure Hunt

The weekend was a real adventure. The time off was really appreciated and on Sunday afternoon, from 3pm-7pm all the teachers from the program participated in a treasure hunt around Geneva. The amazing city was explored from the tram stop, to the cobbled streets of the Old City, to the heights of the Cathedral to the water spray of the Jet D'eau and the boat ride across Lake Geneva. The city is full of amazing architecture, art and history. The evening was spent eating fondue, which was wonderful.

Today we continued on with lectures from Daniel Brandt on an introduction to particle accelerators and the physics ideas behind particle detectors from our resident physicist Gron Jones. The key concepts from Gron's lecture are all to do with momentum and energy, and the importance of the conservation laws in all types of physics, Newtonian and Relativistic. This is a concept that is generally hard for students to grasp, and I hope that the extra information I have gleaned from Gron's lecture will be useful in making better connections in this topic for Physics students.

There was also an announcement of the projects on offer, as we all are to participate in programs that improve the activities already offered by CERN for visiting teachers and students. These projects will be presented at the end of the third week.

Tomorrow holds more lectures and a decision on which project we would like to work on.


  1. Zdravo Julijana.Primete iskreni cestitki za vasata angaziranost okolu blogovite. Inaku jas sum Stojan Manolev, od Republika Makedonija. Se zapoznavme vo amfiteatarot vo CERN na edno predavanje. Mi rekovte deka imate makedonsko poteklo i bi sakal da sorabotuvame vo oblasta na fizikata. Jas sum profesor po fizika i predavam vo gimnazija. Isprativ nekolku e-maili na adresata sto mi ja dadovte jules_mitrevski@yahoo.com.au no serverot ne prepoznava takva adresa. Vo sto e problemot. Pozdsrav od Makedonija, od gradceto Valandovo.mojot email e: manolest@yahoo.com
    phone: +38970659868

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Steven Weinberg

Steven Weinberg
Winner of the 1979 Nobel Prize in Physics

The Geneva Treasure Hunt

The Geneva Treasure Hunt

The Standard Model

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